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Water The Best Quality For Your Daily Life EXPLORE OUR WATER Contact Us ICE The Best Quality For Your Daily Life EXPLORE OUR WATER Contact Us

Healthy Bottled Water
for You & Your Family

Maxium Purity

Due to the importance of water in our life we give 99.99% pure water to our customers.

7 Steps Filtration

Our 7 step filtration process removes impurities from the water.

Cholorine Free

Our water is chlorine free

Free Bottle Wash & Caps

We provide free caps and a bottle washer to ensure your bottle is clean and fresh each fill

We Provide Water for all of your
Residential & Commercial Water Needs

Reverse Osmosis

Alkaline Water

3 & 5gal Bottles


Bagged and Bulk Ice


Water Pump


Water Cooler Cleaner

About Us

Who we are.

H2Frozen is a provider of clean drinking water and bulk ice. We use an industry leading 7 step water filtration and purification system to ensure our customers receive 99.99% pure water.

Why we are here.

Living in the Okanagan for over 30 years we have noticed boil water advisories become a common thing in our community. Boiling water does ensure no bacteria is present, but it does not remove contaminates such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, insecticides, and other organics which means after boiling the water it is not pure. We want to give our community, friends, and family safe and healthy drinking water.


Why you should drink Alkaline Water

Weight Loss

Alkaline Water helps to enhance digestion as it reduces acidity in the gut, thereby boosting your metabolism and assists in burning more calories and fat

Reduced Acidity

Reduces body acids and balances body pH

Body Detox

Continuously flushes out toxins from the body


Hydrates you faster and keeps you hydrated for longer periods of time

Alertness and Endurances

High pH and natural minerals keep you active and alert giving you that extra endurance which keeps you going throughout the day

Boosts Immunity

High pH and natural minerals in the water help boost your immunity

What Our Clients Says About Us?

Very clean and welcoming! Being open 24hrs is very convenient!

Andrew B A Customer/Client

Want Healthy Water for You & Your Family?


(250) 717-6456



#2-2424 Main Street, West Kelowna, BC V4T1P6

About Us

Who we are.

H2Frozen is a provider of clean drinking water and bulk ice. We use an industry leading 7 step water filtration and purification system to ensure our customers receive 99.99% pure water.

Why we are here.

Living in the Okanagan for over 30 years we have noticed boil water advisories become a common thing in our community. Boiling water does ensure no bacteria is present, but it does not remove contaminates such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, insecticides, and other organics which means after boiling the water it is not pure. We want to give our community, friends, and family safe and healthy drinking water.

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